The programming world is being changed everyday. A programmer has to learn the new skills or technologies continuously to adjust himself for various of requirements in his career. One way to gain the experiences is from working and another way is in practice at school or home.
Each software company provides the same programming environment for its developers such as programming language, framework, IDE, database, issue (or project) tracking system and version control system. These skills are almost inflexible. Many projects use Subversion as version control system and Jira (or Bugzilla) as issue (or project) tracking system. My company is no exception.
I had built a private programming environment home. I had installed Subversion and WebSVN on Debian and later changed to install GitLab on CentOS, since Git is becoming increasingly popular. I had to be not only as a programmer but also as an administrator. Switching between both roles made me tired and I could not focus on programming.
Thanks to GitHub. It realizes not only all features of Git, but also bug tracking on its web. It saves my life. I can focus on writing my projects anywhere and all the of them will be managed by GitHub.
Some of projects are running, waiting to start or closed.
Sudoku (closed)
Design and implement a Sudoku algorithm with Java Swing and AWT. Learn new features of Java SE 7 and 8. Use Factory Method Pattern to compare the performance between Java SE 6, 7 and 8.
SudokuFX (closed)
Design and implement a Sudoku algorithm with JavaFX.
cljsudoku (running)
Implement Sudoku with Clojure (1.10.0).
jssudoku (waiting)
Implement Sudoku with JavaScript (ES6).
pysudoku (running)
Implement Sudoku with Python (3.7+).
djsudoku (waiting)
Design and implement a web-based Sudoku application with Django.
rbsudoku (waiting)
Implement Sudoku with Ruby.
rrsudoku (waiting)
Design and implement a web-based Sudoku application with Ruby on Rails.
rssudoku (waiting)
Implement Sudoku with Rust.
ticket-monster (closed)
Refer to Ticket Monster tutorial step by step learn features of Java EE 6 with jboss-eap-6.4 or WildFly 8.x. Copyright by JBoss Developer (@jboss-developer) on GitHub.
JavaDesPatDepth (closed)
Learn design patterns in depth.
Oozinoz code (closed)
Learn design patterns. View source code in Design Patterns In Java by Steve Metsker and William Wake.
onlineshop-war_low_level (closed)
Java EE 7 low level application running on WildFly 8.x. Related technologies: Servlet 3.1, JSP 2.3, JSTL 1.2, JSP-ELE 3.0 and JDBC 4.1.
onlineshop-war_high_level (closed)
Java EE 7 high level application running on WildFly 8.x. Related technologies: JPA 2.1, JSF 2.2, JSF-EL 3.0 and CDI 1.1.
jekyll_demo (closed)
A demo blog bases on a template created by ruby 2.3.0p0 and jekyll 3.1.2 on my Raspberry Pi. My propose is going to learn Git commands and Jekyll framework and use LaTeX in HTML.